Public Education
As a teacher who has taught in our community, I know schools in ‘Ewa deal with two major problems: large class sizes and high teacher turnover. Addressing these problems will provide a better future for our children. We want to offer opportunities for our kids so they can fill high demand and high wage jobs, allowing them to continue to live in Hawai‘i.
Cost of Living
The cost of living is unbearable for many living in Hawai‘i. Income has not kept up with the price of housing and household expenses. Insurance premiums have increased causing some to cancel policies and take huge financial risks. We need to diversify our economy to strengthen it and help those on fixed incomes. Together we can implement real solutions to create the community our local families deserve.
Public Safety
Quality of life issues are not only affected by major crimes, but by minor ones too. We need to support the entire justice system from what is visible on the streets all the way through the court process. This requires coordinating and collaborating with both the city and state to bring forth common sense solutions. Together we can protect our families and create a safe community for everyone.